Professional Financial Services.

Doing it Right.

My Story

Attracted by the fulfilment of a meaningful career, I joined the financial services industry to make a difference to people’s lives. As a strong advocate in financial planning, many clients has changed their perspective towards managing their finances after meeting me.

My Services

My job today is to help you with three main functions of financial planning – Save, Protect & Grow your money!
The first step to good money management is to adopt the right savings habits. In the consumerist environment today, many would prefer spending money on a branded watch rather than saving for rainy days or for their financial goal. Find out from me how you can take the small step towards saving for your financial goals.
Some people mistakenly measured insurance coverage by the number of policies they have, but the reality is that having many insurance policies does not equate to having sufficient coverage. Find out from me if you are really adequately covered, or grossly under insured.
The power of compounding is real and the earlier you start, the better it is. Some people choose to avoid risk by keeping savings in the bank, thinking it’s a safe haven. However, if you consider inflation, savings in the bank is the place that you definitely lose the value of your money. Find out from me how you can grow your investments while managing the risk through diversification.
The power of compounding is real and the earlier you start, the better it is. Some people choose to avoid risk by keeping savings in the bank, thinking it’s a safe haven. However, if you consider inflation, savings in the bank is the place that you definitely lose the value of your money. Find out from me how you can grow your investments while managing the risk through diversification.
The power of compounding is real and the earlier you start, the better it is. Some people choose to avoid risk by keeping savings in the bank, thinking it’s a safe haven. However, if you consider inflation, savings in the bank is the place that you definitely lose the value of your money. Find out from me how you can grow your investments while managing the risk through diversification.
The power of compounding is real and the earlier you start, the better it is. Some people choose to avoid risk by keeping savings in the bank, thinking it’s a safe haven. However, if you consider inflation, savings in the bank is the place that you definitely lose the value of your money. Find out from me how you can grow your investments while managing the risk through diversification.

My Achievements

Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

MDRT Builders

Million Dollar Agency Leader
International Dragon Award
Premier Wealth Planner
Agency Leader Corporation (ALC)
AKARD Personal Diamond Award
AKARD Leader's Direct


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    Insurance Calculator
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